Jojo Silva chairing author talks at Chiswick Book Festival 2024

September 2, 2024

Jojo Silva will be chairing author talks at this year's Chiswick Book Festival. The event brings together top authors and their readers for a week of history, poetry, biography, creative writng, fiction, thrillers, gardens, food, wine, politics and children’s books. The sixteenth Chiswick Book Festival will take place from 11 to 18 September 2024. You’ll get a flavour for it from last year’s brochure.

On Saturday 14th September, at 1.15pm two of the youngest ever featured authors, both aged just 11 (although Martina is 12 in October): Martina Lima Barbata (Tales of the Snail Hunters) and Esther Rawlinson (The Missing Boys of Booksington) talk to Jojo Silva about their books, their individual publishing journeys - and what comes next.

The event titled 'My writing journey' takes place at the Catholic Centre for ages 7+. Tickets are £5.

Jojo Silva chairing author talks at Chiswick Book Festival 2024 Westside Talent

On Sunday 15th September, at 3.15pm Jojo Silva talks spells and sorcery with Tabitha Stanmore. The Social historian of magic and witchcraft and author of Cunning Folk: Life in the Era of Practical Magic - Long before Google, magic and witchcraft were called upon by our ancestors to address everyday issues.

The talk titled 'A history of magic' takes place at Chiswick Cinema, Screen 2.  Tickets are £10.

Jojo Silva chairing author talks at Chiswick Book Festival 2024 Westside Talent

More info and tickets are available online at

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